Monday, May 27, 2013

My Twitter Experience:
I first made a Twitter account in 2011 when taking a technology class from Lisa P.  I made 2 tweets and then my account has been dormant until this past few months.  I would hear Mickie, Beth, and Lisa talk about this person, or this idea, or did you see that on Twitter.  It peaked my interest, so I dove into that dormant account and started with fresh eyes.
With the help of the NPS techies I started with a few names they suggested, and then bravely entered the # chat arena on Wednesday nights for #nebedchat.  Wow, did not know what I was missing!!!
The beauty of twitter is not like email, if I don't check it for awhile, no big deal.  I don't have to answer to anyone, just read and learn!
I have an app called Pocket that I forward any articles that I don't have time to read until later, which is great  for those snow days or Saturday mornings!
I am reading the book "Teach Like A Pirate" (which I found out about on a tweet!), and I made a funny tweet to the author saying that I was so wrapped up in his book that I did an extra twenty minutes on the treadmill this morning.  The next day I had a tweet back from this author with a personal message that he should market his book as an exercise book!  How funny! This is the power of Twitter, connecting with real educators, authors, and people of like interests!!!!
I will be adding the # chat #tlap to my Monday nights from now on along with #nebedchat to my Wednesdays next fall again.
Start small and follow people that can help you in your career.  Un-follow people who tell you what they had for breakfast, they are just a waste of time!
Going to edcamp Omaha for the 2nd year was cool to meet some of the people that you follow on Twitter, we all have the same goals, to be life long learners!
Twitter is what you make of it- and it can be very helpful or a waste of time- choose wisely who you follow!


  1. I think you make some great comments that can help newbies to Twitter. I loved the comment that if I don't check it for awhile, no big deal. That is so true. I'm trying to convince people to spend 10 minutes a day on Twitter. You don't have to read everything that happened that day, just start somewhere in your timeline and read. But you have to start.

    I agree with you in that authors and I would say tech companies are so much more reachable via Twitter. I've tweeted issues I've had with websites and I usually get a reply tweet very soon. Email just doesn't have that response time or I think, personal connection. I have a great connection with the ladies from LiveBinder on Twitter. Before I was on Twitter, I didn't have that connection with any tech company. Twitter does make the world seem smaller.

    1. That is the part I like about Twitter, you are not chained to your device. I also like that I can check it on my phone, iPad, or computer. PLN at your fingertips!

  2. Great advise Leann! Twitter is an amazing tool if you use it wisely.

    I look forward to building my PLN. Maybe even join you on a #nebedchat!

  3. I agree! Great advice! How cool that the author Tweeted you! I had never heard of the Teach Like a Pirate book either until I saw some people Tweeting about it in #nebedchat. It is now on my Books to Read list.

    Before the Summer Tech Challenge, I didn't really get the hang of Twitter. I think I followed too many people who mainly talked about what they had for breakfast. :) Now that I have my new Twitter account and follow other educators, it's like a brand new world has opened to me. It's like I am finally "getting" what the fuss is about! And I love it.

    What is #tlap? I am unfamiliar with that hashtag!

    Happy Sunday to you!

  4. I still remember when we went to Edcamp Omaha together and you started to get excited about tweeting. As I wrote in my blog I am an erratic tweeter but I do like to read and look for new things with titter. Keep up the great tweets :)

  5. You have really made a go of Twitter. I see your tweets regularly. I made a list of NPS teachers for me to follow so that I don't get overwhelmed on my main list but can see what others are tweeting by having a column of just NPS teacher. Some are tweeting for educational reasons and some for personal. I wish that I could have gone to EdCamp but I followed the tweets. Keep sending them out!!
