Monday, May 27, 2013

Using Pinterest for Education Purposes:
Again this is a technology that friends wanted me to try a year ago!  All I could think of was the article that compared Napster (downloading free music, which dates me) to Pinterest (downloading free stuff).  I told them that I didn't want to be that test case where I was downloading other people's stuff without following copyright rules or properly citing my sources and giving the proper people their due recognition and then taken to jail.  I also heard only that people were getting craft ideas for their kids at home (no kids at home) and recipes (can't cook and do not like to cook!).   
Well, I decided to give it another look after Julie Morgan was in a technology class at the Lisa's DCC.  Others went on and on about all these ideas Julie has gotten and was sharing from other educators.  I highly respect Julie and her education insight, so I went to look at it with new eyes.  
I found many ideas for my writing strategy class, nice bell ringer ideas, etc....  In doing the Summer Challenge I went in and made some more boards.  I was just finding ideas and stuffing them on one or two boards, not very user friendly.  I have now organized my boards into Reading, Writing, Strategies, Vocabulary, Technology, and Classroom Ideas.  In looking at the district board I can't wait to start perusing them to find even more ideas!!!
So..... for those again skeptical to join the Pinterest World, don't wait, dive in!


  1. Julie Morgan got me into Pinterest too! She is the Pinterest queen.

    I am really proud of the district boards and hope they are a great resource for teachers.

    If you have any ideas on how to get people to use the boards (not necessarily pin) let me know!

  2. Wow, did not know their was so much already on district boards! Glad it is by invite, so their isn't a lot of junk on them, great idea. Seems like teachers I talk to are still using it for recipes and not educational purposes. Will keep word of mouth going on "I got that idea on the district Pinterest Boards!"

  3. We accessed the district's Pinterest boards often during PLC time to look for ideas. I'm also proud of our District boards!

  4. I completely understand your original thoughts about Pinterest. With everything I had seen and heard about it before the tech challenge, it seemed like a fun place for house wives, teens, and really creative crafty people to store their projects. I mean I have kids at home and do like to cook, but I do not have time to try and find neat ideas on kids and cooking online! I am however always looking for new ideas for my classroom and am happy that so many neat ones are stored here!

  5. You did exactly what I did Leann and that was to stuff everything into one board! I am now trying to add them to the correct board which I would never had done until this summer challenge. Mickie is testing my organization skills. Funny thing is if you would look at my recipes......that is a different story. Happy Pinning!

  6. Oh, this made me laugh. I love your honesty! This tech challenge is perfect for making us get out of our comfort zones. I had one big "Kindergarten" file (not really that big) before this and now I have one for each subject and find I need to "de-clutter" the Kinder file AGAIN. Amazing how much we are learning about how to PROPERLY use these tools.

  7. I too did exactly what others have done and stuffed all of my Speech Therapy pins onto one board. I was so excited to be using Pinterest for education and not for recipes that I did not think of organizing any further. I still have alot to do to organize my current boards. I loved reading about the 16 Ways Educators Use Pinterest. I plan on using them soon.
