Monday, May 27, 2013

The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have

The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have was an interesting article.  Teachers have been so wrapped up in 21st Century Skills for our students, that we forget skills that we should have and develop.
1) Building Your PLN: I feel that I have been doing better at this one this year by rejoining Twitter and really using it.  By the advice of Lisa, Mickie, and Beth I have started to follow some amazing people that give me ideas every week.  I follow #nebedchat on Wednesday nights, and will start #TeachLikeAPirate on Mondays when I am free after Memorial Day on Monday nights.   I have also started using Pinterest which again fills my board with Writing and Vocabulary strategies to use in my classes.
2) Establish Real Relationships: In past years I have always been busy doing this and that at school, but this year I have tried to at least once a week have a study/brain session with Lisa P. to talk about sped issues or technology or both!  Beth will come when she is free, which is nice since I have really gotten to know her better this year also.  It is always nice to discuss issues with like minded people.
3) Understanding Where Technology Fits in Education: This year I have also gone from "How many new apps can I find" to "How can I use a selected few apps well and meaningfully in my classes".  Technology is great, but it must be infused in the curriculum, not just an add on for fun!
4) Know How To Find Useful Resources: I use my Flipboard App on my iPad to keep up with selected Tweeters that shared useful tips and resources every day.  Tony Vincent is a great resource for great apps and ideas.  And of course I use my resources at the Junior High- Lisa, Beth, Mickie, and Jen.
5) Manage Your Online Reputation: This is the biggest reason that I was tentative in jumping into all this Twitter business, and still won't do FaceBook.  I use Twitter purely for education purposes.  I am also very wary when at different functions people are snapping pictures and then the next day you hear that they have posted them on their FaceBook page.  I have become bolder in telling these people that I do not want to be in these pictures and do not use my image on their pages when not for educational purposes.
6) Know How To Correctly Blog: This is what I will learn here, I have tried to use Wikispaces in the past with my sped department, but it is hard to keep up with it daily.  I would like to use KidBlog this year with my classes since we will have the iPad Minis next fall also.
7) Slow Down: This is something that I need to work on.  I get very excited about a new apps or technology and want to go with it.  Again, by goal for next fall is to find a few great apps and technology and do them well.
8) Make Social Media Work for You: Again I do Twitter and Pinterest.  I feel by using Flipboard on my iPad that I have selected 10 people to really follow, and that makes it doable for me to follow without taking all my time.  Also I get a weekly email on Pinterest Boards that might interest me, that way I only look at a a few each week, and it does not take all my time searching.
9) Don't Be Afraid Of Falling: Been there done that one!  When I find something I think will be great, and I try it with my class.  They are the first to say, "This was not the best ideas that you have had!"  Sometimes I jump in before practicing and using it myself to make sure it fits.
10) Know When To Disconnect: There were Wednesdays that I was just too tired or knew that I should be doing other things, and I missed #nebedchat, even though I really wanted to sit down and watch the ideas flow.  It is hard to sometimes, but I need to remember that there are other things that take my time throughout the year and learn to balance them out.


  1. Very good, thoughtful post. I like how you took each of the 10 steps and evaluated yourself. I love what you said for #3. I think this is something that a lot of people need to do--me included. Get really good at a few things and do them well. You don't always have to jump on the latest and greatest thing. Even though I am always looking for the next great thing, I need to remind myself it is okay to do a few things really well.

    I also liked your response to #6. Kidblog does have an app by the way so that will be good for your class and the iPad minis.

    You are rocking the Summer Tech Challenge! Keep it up!

  2. Thanks Mickie! I'm raring to go, mind is whirling with ideas, ready for August to try them out. Great idea this Summer Challenge, hope more get involved!

  3. Okay Leann! You gave me the ambition to get my blog started! Great job on yours!!!

  4. I love your comments on #7. There are always whirlwinds of new ideas and new apps and new technologies, etc. and sometimes I feel like I never really stop and learn how to master specific concepts because there are always new technologies to learn. Sorry that was a very long, run-on sentence. And I'm an English teacher. Oops.

    I really need to work on slowing down ad concentrating my efforts on a smaller number of new technologies and then expand after mastery.

    Thank you for your blog post. It was very insightful!
