Monday, May 27, 2013

Using Class Badges in the Classroom:
At first I was thinking, well....... I'll do this as an assignment for the Summer Challenge, but as I was doing the tasks for this part of the Challenge my mind started to think about the possibilities!
I decided that I would not do my Classes right now, but do my special education students that I have in PRIDE time, which is a homeroom type setting.  This year we continued to work on our technology with our sped students, especially 4th quarter when we went to one on one with the iPad Minis.
My schedule for the year had been the following:
Monday- Goal setting day, we checked grades on infinite campus and set goals for the week, and how to complete late work
Tuesday- Strategy day, we worked on different apps that would help us in our classes
Wednesday- Vocabulary day- we learned and then used apps like Evernote, Flashcards, Quizard, put our content vocabulary in to study from
Thursday- Creation day, we learned and then used in content classes presentation apps such as Pic Collage, Haiku Deck, Comic Life, WordCollage, Explain Everything, Puppet Pals, Snapguide, etc.
Friday- I'm Determined day, we worked on our Power Points to present at our IEP meetings
In thinking about how I want to run my PRIDE time next fall, I thought I could use the Class Badges instead of the sticker chart in the front of the room.  I developed badges for weekly goal setting, putting English, Science, and History vocabulary onto their iPad minis, completing their power points for their IEP meetings, and then one for actually attending and presenting their power points.  I am thinking also badges for using technology for content classes such as their book reviews for Mrs. Fuller, etc.....
Some might think that this is kind of elementary for Jr. High, but I used Class Dojo App for one of my Strategy Classes last year that was having some behavior issues, and them seeing visually on the SMART Board their Dojo points for the day made some better behaved and better at working with their classmates!  So I think this will be a new twist to try for next fall.


  1. Great! I'm glad you thought of a way you could incorporate Class Badges. As Amber pointed out, with 120 students it might be hard to use this with all classes. I think starting small and seeing how it works with a small group is a great way to get started.

  2. I'm excited to get my own badges with Summer Challenge! I feel it is worth a try, I think if I'm having fun with it, so will my students next fall! With their own mini's they can check how many they have on their own. Kids love to compete.

  3. I'm excited to check out Class Badges... I haven't completed this challenge just yet.

    Leann - you might also want to look into ClassDojo. It's similar to Class Badges. I used this as my classroom management this year and LOVED it!

  4. Leann,
    I love that you had a system in your class last year that was like this and you saw that it was motivating kids. It gives me hope that this might help motivate some hard to motivate kids next year!

  5. Remember that you need to award me the five badges you create for this challenge. Right now I only have one. :( Once you award me the five badges you will have completed this challenge!
