Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Glogster in the Classroom

Like other challenges so far I had started using Glogster with a Lisa P. training, but it has been dormant for a year and a half.  Honestly I had forgotten all about how to use it and why someone would use it.  After the user friendly videos, I embarked on my first real Glogster.  To get started I decided to use the idea of the I'm Determined program that the special education teachers at the Jr. High use with their case load students every year.  We want the students to do a student lead IEP, with their invited guests.  They have been doing Power points in this process.  Lisa P. has developed templates for them to use.  They can be creative, but we want certain information to be shared.  I thought making a Glog on the rubric for these would be a start for me.  I like how you can add a video.  I found a self motivating video on You Tube to add.  Showing students that they all have strengths and to take care of their bodies and actions!  I put a hot link in the middle to go to the Jr. High Achievement Center Google Site where I will be posting this Glog for future reference.
I am thinking now of ways to make Glogs to put on my Writing Strategy and Reading Strategy Google Sites too.  This program is easy to use, it only took me awhile to do my first one because I looked at ALL the choices!   I am also going to teach this program to my sped students and give them the option this year of making a Power Point or a Glog for their IEP meetings.  Thanks for this new way to share information!


  1. I love that you see Glogster as an alternative to PowerPoint! I think giving students a choice in what they want to use for their IEP is brilliant! I was hoping that by doing the Summer Tech Challenge, teachers would see that these tools could be good for student projects. And I was also hoping that more teachers would give their students alternatives for doing projects instead of having all students complete the project with the same tool. I love student choice when it comes to demonstrating their learning.

    Love your Glog!

    1. Thanks - the videos were a big help in learning the ropes of Glogster. I am excited on learning all these new challenge technologies, so I can offer students choices next Fall. Great that you can embed them in your Google Sites too!

  2. Leann - It's okay... it took me forever for me to complete my first Glog as well! So many options... For me it was way easier to use a template rather than completing a Glog from scratch.

    I love your idea of using Glogs for the student lead IEPs. Maybe they can showcase their work this way! Great alternative to Powerpoint. The students will love this!

  3. I love the students' Powerpoints in the IEP's I attend. It gets the student talking instead of just the case manager. I think offering them a new technology tool would be great instead of making the same old Powerpoint again. Especially, if the student has to make one of these each year for his IEP, the student would definitely be more enthusiastic if he gets to present in a different format than every other year and learn something new!

  4. I had started on Glogster several times before too. I really needed a push like this Summer Tech Challenge to get going! It is great because I can get more ideas and see more ways to use these tools because of all the sharing going on. I really like your glog! You have so many great ideas!

  5. I am familiar with the I'm Determined Program Leann, and it was so clever of you to incorporate it into a Glogster project. I liked that everything is on a single page. I think it may also be a way for the students to incorporate some of their own creativity. I can tell by reading your blog posts that you are really tech savvy. Bet you are a great resource at the NJH. Good for you for getting going on the challenges early in the summer, I am on a race to the finish.
