Saturday, June 8, 2013

GoAnimate Videos to Spice Up Lesson Delivery

Simple Sentence Description by Leannwidhalm on GoAnimate

Predicate Verbs in Simple Sentences by Leannwidhalm on GoAnimate

Go animate is a fun program to use.  I actually used it this year after I saw it being mentioned in a few twitter feeds.  I tried it and liked it.  Actually I tried it at home and had it all set up to use in my class the next day.  Well, I didn't try it out until class time and was wondering why it would not work.  Then in talking to Mickie this site was blocked by the NPS filters because it was considered a social site?  Mickie unblocked it and it worked wonderfully the rest of the year.  I used it to introduce words of the week, and then embedded the link on my Google Site for my Writing Strategy Class.  The examples I made for this challenge were ones that I was meaning to get to, but I did not have the time.   I was just putting links on my Site, but now I know how to embed the video, so it just comes up.  I will do this from now on!
I liked GoAnimate so much I upgraded to the Pro version, it gives you more dialogue boxes and more characters to choose from in making your videos.  I would also like to expand to use this with students next Fall.  When it is their turn to present and teach a word of the day, GoAnimate can be an option that they can use.  The only problem is that Flash does not work on the iPad Minis, so I will have to have them send them to me to embed on our class Site.  I think they will get a kick out of using this program.  Again, engagement, engagement, engagement!!!!!
The link to my Writing Strategy Google Site is:  and if you go on the left sidebar under Vocabulary Development and click Word of the Day, there are some links to GoAnimates that I used 2nd semester.


  1. You always do so much for your students. I will have to remember to embed my videos on my site as well. I thought about upgrading but just haven't done it yet. Have you used the full movie maker? I liked all the options that it gives you.

  2. I upgraded for the variety of characters and so I don't have to worry about the length being so short for my videos. The kids really do think they are fun. I have not used the full movie maker yet, it does give you lots of options. I just need to have some time that I can sit down and play with it. Isn't that the case for everything tech, finding the time???? :))))

  3. Sorry Leann! I honestly meant to comment on everyone's blog. Looks like I missed this one. I will blame this on the fact that I had surgery on June 10--does that work?

    I actually had forgotten about GoAnimate until you asked me to unblock it. I then decided to go back and give it another look. I'm glad because I think this is a good tool. I just love the idea of giving students multiple platforms to demonstrate learning. GoAnimate I think would be way more fun than doing a PowerPoint!

    I know that this program does require Flash which doesn't work with the Minis but I did like it as an option to use on the Chromebooks we hope the HS will be rolling out.

  4. I love your videos! (Especially since they're on English topics!) I liked that Katie didn't "get" it right away so students realize it's okay if you don't understand immediately. I might suggest having the sentences show on the board, so students can see the sentence they are discussing. There is a text tool (in the full video maker) so that you can do that.

  5. LOVE your videos, Leann! You're right... GoAnimate is an excellent way to "spice up lesson delivery"!

    I do like Deb's idea about possibly showing the sentences on the board. Great lesson!

  6. Are you secretly working for GoAnimate? You must be! Your videos are so awesome and so interesting! Your students are so lucky to have you making their learning so memorable! Keep on! Great use of GoAnimate!

  7. I love that you have already tried it with the students and know that it works well and that they like it. I loved it, but that doesn't always mean it will work the way you want. After reading your blog, I have even more confidence to use it in my room. I am glad it worked for you and I am looking forward to seeing kids enjoy it in English 7.
