Saturday, June 8, 2013

Google Presentation Instead of Power Point

I thought that Google Presentation was just like Power point, but I like the features of embedding videos and of how they are stored in your Google drive account.  I have so many files with earlier power points in them on my desktop or H drive, and then I forget what I called them and can't find them when I need them.  By being in my Google drive account I can search for key words and there they are!
Sometimes Power Point had too many options and kids spent longer on the fluff then actually putting in the meat of their project or report.  It is also nice to be able to quickly share your presentation and not have to email attachments to others.  Another nice thing is that you can work with Google on your iPad where you can't do Power Point on your iPads.
I have created my first Google Presentation on the Writing Process and why it is important.  This is the first part of the Sentence Writing Strategy Class that we cover.  I will add this to my Strategy Google Site, so students can use it for future reference.

GoAnimate Videos to Spice Up Lesson Delivery

Simple Sentence Description by Leannwidhalm on GoAnimate

Predicate Verbs in Simple Sentences by Leannwidhalm on GoAnimate

Go animate is a fun program to use.  I actually used it this year after I saw it being mentioned in a few twitter feeds.  I tried it and liked it.  Actually I tried it at home and had it all set up to use in my class the next day.  Well, I didn't try it out until class time and was wondering why it would not work.  Then in talking to Mickie this site was blocked by the NPS filters because it was considered a social site?  Mickie unblocked it and it worked wonderfully the rest of the year.  I used it to introduce words of the week, and then embedded the link on my Google Site for my Writing Strategy Class.  The examples I made for this challenge were ones that I was meaning to get to, but I did not have the time.   I was just putting links on my Site, but now I know how to embed the video, so it just comes up.  I will do this from now on!
I liked GoAnimate so much I upgraded to the Pro version, it gives you more dialogue boxes and more characters to choose from in making your videos.  I would also like to expand to use this with students next Fall.  When it is their turn to present and teach a word of the day, GoAnimate can be an option that they can use.  The only problem is that Flash does not work on the iPad Minis, so I will have to have them send them to me to embed on our class Site.  I think they will get a kick out of using this program.  Again, engagement, engagement, engagement!!!!!
The link to my Writing Strategy Google Site is:  and if you go on the left sidebar under Vocabulary Development and click Word of the Day, there are some links to GoAnimates that I used 2nd semester.

Voki's Uses in the Classroom

I played around with Voki's this year in my Strategy classes.  This kids thought it was neat to hear pat of a lesson by an avitar.  I have used them a few different ways like the examples above.  One way is to introduce the word of the day, another is to introduce the Prefix/Suffixes that we are working on that week, and also the Greek or Latin Roots that we are covering during the week.  The nice part is that I will embed the link of these Voki's in my Strategy class Google Site, and students can go back to them when they want to review, or if they are absent that day.
A new way that will be looking at to use Voki's next school year is to introduce new concepts in Writing and Reading Strategy Class: What is a simple sentence?, What is a compound sentence?, What are the mnemonics used in the Sentence Writing Strategy?, etc......  This way students can review, and not worry if their notes in their journal are the best, they have another resource to go back to for reference.
After the first week where I introduce the words of the week, I have the students take words and they are responsible for introducing the word, the meaning, part of speech, a picture clue, possible mnemonic or strategy to remember the word, how to use it in a sentence properly, and where I might hear this word.  I think they might get a kick out of using Voki to do this.  We will have to use the computer lab since Voki's can not be seen on the iPads, I think it needs Flash?  I could then have them send them to me and I would put them on the Class Strategy Google Site.
I do think that Voki's would get students more engaged in their learning in a fun way!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Glogster in the Classroom

Like other challenges so far I had started using Glogster with a Lisa P. training, but it has been dormant for a year and a half.  Honestly I had forgotten all about how to use it and why someone would use it.  After the user friendly videos, I embarked on my first real Glogster.  To get started I decided to use the idea of the I'm Determined program that the special education teachers at the Jr. High use with their case load students every year.  We want the students to do a student lead IEP, with their invited guests.  They have been doing Power points in this process.  Lisa P. has developed templates for them to use.  They can be creative, but we want certain information to be shared.  I thought making a Glog on the rubric for these would be a start for me.  I like how you can add a video.  I found a self motivating video on You Tube to add.  Showing students that they all have strengths and to take care of their bodies and actions!  I put a hot link in the middle to go to the Jr. High Achievement Center Google Site where I will be posting this Glog for future reference.
I am thinking now of ways to make Glogs to put on my Writing Strategy and Reading Strategy Google Sites too.  This program is easy to use, it only took me awhile to do my first one because I looked at ALL the choices!   I am also going to teach this program to my sped students and give them the option this year of making a Power Point or a Glog for their IEP meetings.  Thanks for this new way to share information!

TED Talks for Teacher Use

Along with using TED Talks with students, I also have an Achievement Center Google Site that I will be embedding some videos on. 
I like the eleven minute video - Tyler DeWitt: Hey Science teachers- make it fun.  This I can add to my Differentiated Curriculum Ideas.

Also the six minute video- Ramsey Musallam: 3 Rules to Spark Learning.  I thought this would be good for teachers to watch for ideas on student engagement.  A lot of time teachers think this is a long process, but this video breaks it down to 3 simple rules to follow.

The 3 minute video- Richard St. John's 8 Secrets of Success is also a good one for teachers to watch to show that students must be invested and engaged in their learning to get the most out of your class!

TED Talk Videos

Using TED Talks in the Classroom

Using TED Talks in the Classroom

When I first started watching TED Talks they seemed to have great messages and were well done.  My only concern was that they were around 15 to 20 minutes long.  This is great for me to watch because I am interested in the topic, but for my students this is too long.  Then I remembered Mickie saying that you could search for a time limit, so I redid my searches for 3 to 5 minutes and had better luck. 
I found a great 5 minute video on getting kids to think of their online reputation.  It is Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo.  Great to get kids to think about once it is online it can't be erased.  I thought this would be a good one since we are one on one with iPad Mini's now, and we must keep thinking about our digital footprint.

I also have 2 sets of Sifteo Cubes in my classroom.  I found a video that lasts just 7 minutes- David Merrill demos Siftables.  It would be a great intro to use before I use the Sifteo Cubes in lessons.  Background knowledge on technology is always good for kids to know.

I also liked the video: Adovia Svitak: What adults can learn from kids.  I could use this in my Writing and Reading Strategy class to show the power of reading and writing at a young age.  Her book "Flying Fingers" that she wrote when she was seven could be a great lead into student writing and publishing!  I could ask students about the importance of writing and when do they think most writers start?  Also the importance of publishing their work, and ways to publish writing?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Using Pinterest for Education Purposes:
Again this is a technology that friends wanted me to try a year ago!  All I could think of was the article that compared Napster (downloading free music, which dates me) to Pinterest (downloading free stuff).  I told them that I didn't want to be that test case where I was downloading other people's stuff without following copyright rules or properly citing my sources and giving the proper people their due recognition and then taken to jail.  I also heard only that people were getting craft ideas for their kids at home (no kids at home) and recipes (can't cook and do not like to cook!).   
Well, I decided to give it another look after Julie Morgan was in a technology class at the Lisa's DCC.  Others went on and on about all these ideas Julie has gotten and was sharing from other educators.  I highly respect Julie and her education insight, so I went to look at it with new eyes.  
I found many ideas for my writing strategy class, nice bell ringer ideas, etc....  In doing the Summer Challenge I went in and made some more boards.  I was just finding ideas and stuffing them on one or two boards, not very user friendly.  I have now organized my boards into Reading, Writing, Strategies, Vocabulary, Technology, and Classroom Ideas.  In looking at the district board I can't wait to start perusing them to find even more ideas!!!
So..... for those again skeptical to join the Pinterest World, don't wait, dive in!
Using Class Badges in the Classroom:
At first I was thinking, well....... I'll do this as an assignment for the Summer Challenge, but as I was doing the tasks for this part of the Challenge my mind started to think about the possibilities!
I decided that I would not do my Classes right now, but do my special education students that I have in PRIDE time, which is a homeroom type setting.  This year we continued to work on our technology with our sped students, especially 4th quarter when we went to one on one with the iPad Minis.
My schedule for the year had been the following:
Monday- Goal setting day, we checked grades on infinite campus and set goals for the week, and how to complete late work
Tuesday- Strategy day, we worked on different apps that would help us in our classes
Wednesday- Vocabulary day- we learned and then used apps like Evernote, Flashcards, Quizard, put our content vocabulary in to study from
Thursday- Creation day, we learned and then used in content classes presentation apps such as Pic Collage, Haiku Deck, Comic Life, WordCollage, Explain Everything, Puppet Pals, Snapguide, etc.
Friday- I'm Determined day, we worked on our Power Points to present at our IEP meetings
In thinking about how I want to run my PRIDE time next fall, I thought I could use the Class Badges instead of the sticker chart in the front of the room.  I developed badges for weekly goal setting, putting English, Science, and History vocabulary onto their iPad minis, completing their power points for their IEP meetings, and then one for actually attending and presenting their power points.  I am thinking also badges for using technology for content classes such as their book reviews for Mrs. Fuller, etc.....
Some might think that this is kind of elementary for Jr. High, but I used Class Dojo App for one of my Strategy Classes last year that was having some behavior issues, and them seeing visually on the SMART Board their Dojo points for the day made some better behaved and better at working with their classmates!  So I think this will be a new twist to try for next fall.

My Twitter Experience:
I first made a Twitter account in 2011 when taking a technology class from Lisa P.  I made 2 tweets and then my account has been dormant until this past few months.  I would hear Mickie, Beth, and Lisa talk about this person, or this idea, or did you see that on Twitter.  It peaked my interest, so I dove into that dormant account and started with fresh eyes.
With the help of the NPS techies I started with a few names they suggested, and then bravely entered the # chat arena on Wednesday nights for #nebedchat.  Wow, did not know what I was missing!!!
The beauty of twitter is not like email, if I don't check it for awhile, no big deal.  I don't have to answer to anyone, just read and learn!
I have an app called Pocket that I forward any articles that I don't have time to read until later, which is great  for those snow days or Saturday mornings!
I am reading the book "Teach Like A Pirate" (which I found out about on a tweet!), and I made a funny tweet to the author saying that I was so wrapped up in his book that I did an extra twenty minutes on the treadmill this morning.  The next day I had a tweet back from this author with a personal message that he should market his book as an exercise book!  How funny! This is the power of Twitter, connecting with real educators, authors, and people of like interests!!!!
I will be adding the # chat #tlap to my Monday nights from now on along with #nebedchat to my Wednesdays next fall again.
Start small and follow people that can help you in your career.  Un-follow people who tell you what they had for breakfast, they are just a waste of time!
Going to edcamp Omaha for the 2nd year was cool to meet some of the people that you follow on Twitter, we all have the same goals, to be life long learners!
Twitter is what you make of it- and it can be very helpful or a waste of time- choose wisely who you follow!

The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have

The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have was an interesting article.  Teachers have been so wrapped up in 21st Century Skills for our students, that we forget skills that we should have and develop.
1) Building Your PLN: I feel that I have been doing better at this one this year by rejoining Twitter and really using it.  By the advice of Lisa, Mickie, and Beth I have started to follow some amazing people that give me ideas every week.  I follow #nebedchat on Wednesday nights, and will start #TeachLikeAPirate on Mondays when I am free after Memorial Day on Monday nights.   I have also started using Pinterest which again fills my board with Writing and Vocabulary strategies to use in my classes.
2) Establish Real Relationships: In past years I have always been busy doing this and that at school, but this year I have tried to at least once a week have a study/brain session with Lisa P. to talk about sped issues or technology or both!  Beth will come when she is free, which is nice since I have really gotten to know her better this year also.  It is always nice to discuss issues with like minded people.
3) Understanding Where Technology Fits in Education: This year I have also gone from "How many new apps can I find" to "How can I use a selected few apps well and meaningfully in my classes".  Technology is great, but it must be infused in the curriculum, not just an add on for fun!
4) Know How To Find Useful Resources: I use my Flipboard App on my iPad to keep up with selected Tweeters that shared useful tips and resources every day.  Tony Vincent is a great resource for great apps and ideas.  And of course I use my resources at the Junior High- Lisa, Beth, Mickie, and Jen.
5) Manage Your Online Reputation: This is the biggest reason that I was tentative in jumping into all this Twitter business, and still won't do FaceBook.  I use Twitter purely for education purposes.  I am also very wary when at different functions people are snapping pictures and then the next day you hear that they have posted them on their FaceBook page.  I have become bolder in telling these people that I do not want to be in these pictures and do not use my image on their pages when not for educational purposes.
6) Know How To Correctly Blog: This is what I will learn here, I have tried to use Wikispaces in the past with my sped department, but it is hard to keep up with it daily.  I would like to use KidBlog this year with my classes since we will have the iPad Minis next fall also.
7) Slow Down: This is something that I need to work on.  I get very excited about a new apps or technology and want to go with it.  Again, by goal for next fall is to find a few great apps and technology and do them well.
8) Make Social Media Work for You: Again I do Twitter and Pinterest.  I feel by using Flipboard on my iPad that I have selected 10 people to really follow, and that makes it doable for me to follow without taking all my time.  Also I get a weekly email on Pinterest Boards that might interest me, that way I only look at a a few each week, and it does not take all my time searching.
9) Don't Be Afraid Of Falling: Been there done that one!  When I find something I think will be great, and I try it with my class.  They are the first to say, "This was not the best ideas that you have had!"  Sometimes I jump in before practicing and using it myself to make sure it fits.
10) Know When To Disconnect: There were Wednesdays that I was just too tired or knew that I should be doing other things, and I missed #nebedchat, even though I really wanted to sit down and watch the ideas flow.  It is hard to sometimes, but I need to remember that there are other things that take my time throughout the year and learn to balance them out.